01 January 2016

Don't judge a Book by it's Cover! (A Guest Blog Post)

I have encouraged my children to explore their own writing, and since the guest blog post by my oldest daughter appeared here in April of last year, my 9 year old daughter has endeavored to have her own writing published as well.  What follows is the writing of my youngest and, as the previous post, the words and opinions are entirely her own and have not been edited.

Don't judge a Book by it's Cover!
by Madia J.

I have noticed at school that a lot of people are being judged by their looks and not by who they are.  For me, this is a very serious problem I have noticed most people like to ignore.  And so you know those movies like "Mean Girl's" and "Clueless" and "The Breakfast club" and other movies like that are making groups like cool kids and nerds and hipsters and punks and jocks and outcasts.
First lets start with the cool kids so I know that most people say you be cool you half to be mean or a trouble maker or prank people or be something your not but if you want to be cool be your be your self and be nice and involve other people.  And nerds should not be judged they can be cool in their own way cause being smart will pay off because then you will get a awesome scholarship to a awesome college and a awesome job to a awesome life.  And just because you where glasses or braces does not mean you are a nerd and nerd is not a nice word to call someone the correct word to say is clever people not nerds.  And last but not least are outcasts, outcasts are people that are not herd and are people that are seen but not herd and are left out and can be taken for granted and who ever says you are a outcast they are not your real B.F.F.
So when you see or hear someone being judged on how they look and not how they act then tell that person or group "Hey stop judging people by what they look like you don't even know that person so just stop okay okay."  So that is all I half to say about that and remember we are all a community and we stand together!

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